Sigma Theta Tau International/Southern Nursing Research Society Grant
The purpose of the Sigma Theta Tau International/Southern Nursing Research Society collaborative grant is to encourage qualified nurses to contribute to the advancement of nursing through research. Proposals for pilot and/or development research may be submitted for this grant.
Research Funding
Funds for this grant are provided by Sigma Theta Tau International and the Southern Nursing Research Society.
Funds for this grant do not cover expenses incurred prior to the funding date.
Eligibility Criteria - Be a member in good standing of both STTI and SNRS.
- Registered nurse with a current license.
- Hold at minimum a master’s degree or its equivalent and/or be enrolled in a doctoral program.
- Submission of completed research application packet and a signed research agreement via our on-line submission system.
- Ready to implement research project when funding is received. Research may NOT be conducted as part of an academic degree.
- Submit to STTI a final report; submit completed abstract to STTI’s Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository.
- Submit an abstract for publication to SNRS regarding the research done as a product of the grant, and credit research grant partners in all publications and presentations of the research.
| Grants available: 1 per year Funding: up to $5000 US Deadline: 1 April Funding date: 1 August Contact Information Research Services Sigma Theta Tau International Phone: 888.634.7575 (US/Canada) or +1.317.634.8171(International) Fax: +1.317.634.8188 |
How to apply: All applications must be submitted via the online submission system. A link to the submission system is available by linking here.