SNRS Research Grant

Application Submission Date: October 1st

**Recipient(s) will be notified no later than January 1st of each year**

The purpose of the SNRS Research Grant Award is to support and promote new investigators in initiating or building a program of research, which advances nursing science and practice. Funds are available for quantitative and qualitative research on any topic relevant to the nursing profession. This award will fund research that is not being done for course credit. The SNRS Research Grant is for up to $7500.

Applications MUST BE DATED NO LATER THAN October 1, 2025.

To apply, click here.


  1. Current SNRS member (student or regular) when the application is received.
  2. Persons who have received no more than a cumulative $30,000 research funding during the past two years.
  3. Persons who have never served on a SNRS Research Grant as the Principal Investigator.

Submission Guidelines

Submit an electronic copy of required materials by October 1st to the grant system, Catalyst. A small fee of $50 ($25 for students) is now required for submission of your application. Please go to the Online Store to pay the application fee and then submit your application for the SNRS Research Grant Award.

Electronic submissions are the only accepted format. Applications must conform to all requirements for format, style, content, length limitations, and required supporting materials. Only applications which conform to specifications and required documents and for which the application fee has been paid will be reviewed.

Format and Style

  1. Title file as Last Name First Initial Year SNRS Research Grant Award Proposal (example: CraneP 2008 SNRS Research Grant Award Proposal).
  2. All required materials must be submitted as ONE electronic document.
  3. Use an Arial, Helvetica, Palatino Linotype or Georgia typeface and a font size of 11 points or larger. (A Symbol font may be used to insert Greek letters or special characters; the font size requirement still applies).
  4. Type density, including characters and spaces, must be no more than 15 characters per inch.
  5. Type may be no more than six lines per inch.
  6. Use at least one-half inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right) for all pages, including reference pages and appendices.
  7. The application may be single-spaced, except as noted below.
  8. Consecutively number pages throughout the application, beginning with the first page of the project narrative and include reference pages and appendices. Do not use suffixes (e.g., 5a, 5b). Place page numbers in the top right hand corner of each page. Use bold or italics only for headings.

Components of Proposal

  1. Face Sheet; insert at the first page of the electronic file.
  2. Project narrative (limit to 5 pages for items 2-6; single space narrative with double spacing between paragraphs)
    1. Abstract (limit to 200 words)
    2. Specific aims and objectives
    3. Background and significance
    4. Research design
      1. Sampling method/subjects
      2. Measures/Instruments (if relevant)
      3. Methods/Data collection procedures
      4. Plan(s) for data analysis
    5. Limitations/potential difficulties
    6. Protection of animal or human subjects
  3. Appendices (1-5 required)
    1. References (limit reference list to six pages): Use APA or AMA format.
    2. 12-Month Time Frame/Schedule of Activities
    3. Budget Sheet (limit to one page)
      1. Itemize anticipated expenditures to conduct the project, including supplies and consultants. Indicate whether other funds have been obtained or applied for to support the conduct of the proposed research. Please note: Indirect (facilities and administration) costs are not provided.
      2. Fiscal Restrictions:
        1. Funds may not be used for salaries for the investigator/co-investigator, travel, tuition/registration, and construction.
        2. Capital equipment is limited to a maximum of $250 per item.
    4. Environment (limit to two pages): A description of the site, setting, and sponsoring agency or institution necessary to conduct the project. Include a letter of support from institution/facility where project will be conducted.
    5. Biographical sketch: A biographical sketch for each investigator or consultant (use SF424 (R&R)
    6. Research tools, instruments, or interview guides (if relevant)

Review Process and Criteria

SNRS Research Grant Award recipients are selected through a peer review process using the following criteria:

  1. Significance to Nursing
  2. Scientific merit
  3. Innovation
  4. Appropriateness of methodology given the research question
  5. Qualifications of the investigator (research team) to conduct study
  6. Adequacy of human subjects/animal protection
  7. Appropriate environment, budget, and time frame

A scoring of 100-500 (similar to NIH) will be used to evaluate applications. Lower scores indicate greater likelihood of funding. Notification will be in writing from the SNRS Grants Committee Chair no later than January 1st of the following year in which the proposal was submitted.