RIIG Leaders
- Charlene Pope
As global leaders in nursing, we continue to provide excellence and value in health care by providing Veteran-centered and military, evidence-based care. We strive to provide Service members, Veterans and their families with the highest quality care by leveraging evidence-based practice, industry-leading research and innovative care models. To date, there is no existing RIIG that is focused on the care of the American veteran and US military service members. As a collaborative team, the purpose of this RIIG is to build a culture of veteran-and military service member centered care, care opportunities, holistic health, and mentorship.
This RIIG would serve the membership by:
- Expanding knowledge of Veteran-and Service Member centered care to general nursing community
- Advancing nursing science to include care of Veterans and US Service members.
- Allow opportunities for collaborations, publications, presentations and mentorship.
Potential Goals for the RIIG
To provide a network for nurse scientists at all career stages interested in military and Veterans health and health research.
To share resources, ideas, and experiences through professional networking to advance nursing knowledge and research related to military and Veterans health.
To create a forum that supports the development, conduct, and dissemination of Evidence Based Practice (EBP), innovation and research that benefits the health of military and Veteran populations.
Potential activities, resources or tools the RIIG may develop
1. Establish connections and network by promoting RIIG at SNRS Conference and across VHA through Office of Nursing Service (ONS).
2. Collaborate with ONS Nurse Scientist Collaborative and Community of Practice to create connections for multi-site research, mentoring and dissemination.
3. Develop a Military and Veterans Health Directory of Nursing Research.
4. Collaborate on a scholarly work-poster, manuscript, EBP or research.