Associate Deans and Directors of Research (ADDR)

The Associate Deans and Directors of Research (ADDR) RIIG is dedicated to advancing research among colleges and schools of nursing across the southern regions of the United States. The ADDR RIIG seeks to build a robust platform for research and scholarship collaboration, as well as mentoring those interested in attaining research administrative leadership positions at their universities.

As deans and leaders of research among colleges and schools of nursing, we play a pivotal role in shaping the research and scholarship landscape within our entities and beyond. The new RIIG will provide a platform that enables sharing of best practices, policies, and procedures relative to building and sustaining a strong research infrastructure that supports the training of new nurse scientists and is adaptable to the demands of the digital and artificial intelligence (AI) era. Additionally, through the ADDR RIIG, we aim to leverage our collective expertise and resources to address pressing challenges facing the scientific arms of nursing and prepare nurse researchers and scientists who can lead our schools and colleges of nursing.

Key Priorities of the Research Interest and Implementation Group (RIIG) for Associate Deans and Directors of Research:
Strategic Plan 1: Promote research excellence through strategic mentoring of early-stage faculty and training mid-career researchers and senior researchers on how to be effective mentors.
Strategic Plan 2: Foster a focus on data science and expose nurses to new trends in data science and innovative digital methodologies. This will be achieved through webinars with guest speakers conducting high-impact research in data science, digital, and AI spaces, as well as pre-conference workshops.
Strategic Plan 3: Build a robust digital platform for research and scholarship, leveraging existing SNRS resources and integrating other platforms to enable ease of cross-institutional collaboration for dissemination of research and scholarship.

Chair: Susan McBride, PhD, RN-BC, CPHIMS, FAAN
Co-Chair: Tonychris Nnaka, PhD, MPH, RN